Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Mel stands firm on his decision to remain at-large. Getting to a high spot in the yard, gives Mel an advantage. Mel can see all sides. Hopeful that some day Mel's point of view will be taken into consideration.

Mel says,

"My head's on the block now. Only the higher powers that be can save me."


Anonymous said...

run mel run

Anonymous said...

Okay, Mel. Head due south until you come to the asphalt trail. Then head east until you come to the outback entrance and head south a little ways. That should be your destination. There is a nice warm, kettle shaped, black house waiting for you.

Lilly said...

Hairy Potters advice will NOT be followed now, or ever. Mel will NOT be corraled into a steak house, or a black kettle shaped anything. Mels union is strong! You would best watch your back side from now on. ;)